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October 16, 2024

Neo-protectionism and the Changing Nature of Global Value Chains: Lessons for the G20

Event Series: Conferences


This high-level G20/T20 policy event, jointly co-organized with the Delegation of the Catalan Government in Brazil, the Barcelona Institute for International Studies (IBEI), the BRICS Policy Center of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO), the Centro do Comércio Global e Investimento (CCGI) of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), and the Georgetown University Georgetown Americas Institute (GAI), will bring together contributors to the T20 Task Force on Trade and Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth.

As neo-protectionism reshapes global trade and disrupts established global value chains (GVCs), this conference will address critical challenges and opportunities for developed and developing countries. The focus will be on promoting resilient, sustainable, and inclusive growth, offering strategic insights for the G20 on navigating these complex shifts.  

Key discussion topics will include: 

  • The rise of protectionism and its impact on global trade,

  • Evolving GVCs in the face of geopolitical and technological changes,

  • Strategies for strengthening supply chain sustainability and resilience,

  • Supporting industrialization, innovation, and global cooperation. 

Join us for a comprehensive dialogue on the future of global trade and fostering inclusive growth in an interconnected world. 

This conference will be livestreamed on YouTube.


9:00–9:30 a.m. (GMT-3) | Welcome Coffee

9:30–10:00 a.m. (GMT-3) Welcome Remarks

  • Paula Mèlich Bonet, Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Brazil
  • Jacint Jordana, Barcelona Institut Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
  • Fernando Riveiro, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) and T20-T04 Supervisor

10:00–11:15 a.m. (GMT-3) Panel 1 - New Trends in Global Value Chain Reorganization: The Rise and Impact of New Industrial Policies

  • Moderator: Leane Naidin, CINDES and International Relations Institute, PUC-Rio

Towards a New Geometry of Global Value Chains: Lessons for the G20

  • Antoni Estevadeordal, IBEI and Georgetown Americas Institute (GAI)

Pathways for Reconciling New Industrial Policy and International Cooperation for Global Goods

  • Mahmoud Arbouch, Policy Center for the New South

Rising Blocs and Industrial Policy: Is Economic Security the Future?

  • Lauri Tähtinen, Finish Institute of international Affairs

Investment Screening Mechanisms

  • Michelle Sanchez, Fundaçao Getulio Vargas

11:15–11:45 a.m. (GMT-3) Networking Coffee

11:45 a.m. –1:00 p.m. (GMT-3) | Panel 2 - Navigating Challenges and Opportunities in Global Value Chain Reorganization for Sustainable Development

  • Moderator: Lia Valls, Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI)

Protectionism and Rising Challenges to ensuring the Developing World’s Priorities in the G20 Agenda

  • Carlos Coelho, BRICS Policy Center/PUC-Rio de Janeiro

Reducing Agricultural Trade Barriers in a Sustainable Path

  • Marcelo Regunaga, Group of Southern Producing Countries

Trade Agenda and Energy Transition: How Trade Agreements are Being Used to Guarantee Access to Critical Raw Minerals

  • Luciana Ghiotto, Transnational Institute and Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Challenges in the Multilateral Debate on International Forest Regulation

  • Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida, FGV Rio Law's Centre for Global Law

1:00–1:30 p.m. (GMT-3) | Concluding Remarks

  • Antoni Estevadeordal, IBEI and GAI
  • Carlos Coelho, BRICS Policy Center/PUC-Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
  • Vera Thorstensen, Centro do Comercio Global e Investimento (CCGI) / FGV, Lead co-chair T20/T04 Task Force

1:30–3:00 p.m. (GMT-3) Networking Lunch

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