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June 27, 2023

Gloria Monroy Garcia Participated In the 2022 Metropolis Americas Migration Policy Summit

With the support of the Georgetown Americas Institute, Gloria Monroy Garcia participated in the 2022 Metropolis Americas Migration Policy Summit entitled “Beyond the Summit: Promoting Mexico-Canada Cooperation on Borders, Refugee Admission and Resettlement.”

Gloria Monroy Garcia
Gloria Monroy Garcia

As a Research Assistant for Dr. Katharine Donato, Monroy Garcia helped present research in the Summit that took place in Tijuana, Mexico at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (El Colef) from November 30, 2022 to December 3, 2022.

The objective of this Summit was to explore the root causes of migration and the challenges migrants and refugees encounter when they are trying to get admitted and resettled into the U.S., Canada, or Mexico. The second objective extends to an opportunity in which migration experts and other interest groups gathered to share their research and opinions to learn more about the current refugee situation along the U.S.-Mexico border. The Summit aimed to include academics, policymakers, and civil society to have an inclusive conversation that hopes to create impactful migration policies between Mexican, American, and Canadian policymakers.

The presentation that Monroy Garcia gave of the paper aimed to examine whether and how protective resources can mitigate trauma and adversity during the migration journey that respondents tackle to enter the United States. The session was insightful and engaging, spurring significant audience participation during the Q&A portion of the event. The conference was a great opportunity to network with other scholars and policymakers who want to improve the conditions along the border.