Rodrigo Zarazaga
Georgetown Americas Institute
Rodrigo Zarazaga is visiting fellow with the Georgetown Americas Institute as well as director and lead researcher of the Instituto Universitario Centro de Investigación y Acción Social (CIAS) University Institute. He is a Jesuit priest and holds Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, a post doc from the University of Notre Dame, as well as a bachelor of philosophy and bachelor of theology. Zarazaga also holds the position of adjunct researcher at National Council for Science Research Research Techniques from Argentina (CONICET). His work focuses on the issues of redistribution, poverty, clientelism, and electoral politics. Author of the book "The Poverty of a Rich Country" and compiler of "Infinite Conurbano: Political and Social Actors, Between State Presence and Illegality," his research has been published in Latin American Politics and Society, Journal of Theoretical Politics, World Development, Journal of Democracy, Journal of Applied Economics, Postscript, SAAP Magazine, as well as studies in comparative international development, governance, and economic development. Honors awarded Zarazaga include the Konex Award 2018, Diploma of Merit, Social Leaders, and he cofounded the group Seamos Uno. He has been interviewed and has published numerous articles in media outlets such as La Nation, Clarín, Page 12, Profile, El Pais, The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The WCNN, Radio Mitre, Radio Continental, and Radio 10.